Last Updated on May 15, 2021 by Kristen
Audio and video editing by Sofija Jovanov
Margo Krasne rebooted her life at the age of 50. A lifelong New Yorker, she worked as an actress, an ad gal, a sculptor and started over again at 50 as a communications coach. She is the author of Say It With Confidence, I Was There All Along: A Memoir and What Would I Do Without You.
Now 83, Margo has a perspective on career, midlife, owning your age, living alone, friendship and so much more that we rarely get to hear in today’s youth-obsessed culture.

Sculpture by Margo Krasne
During the pandemic, she became so convinced she would be felled by Covid-19 that she filled a bag with her medical history, meds, and extra masks for the EMTs who would cart her away. She hung it by her door “almost as an amulet.”
But her 2020 turned out to be better than she could have imagined. Listen to hear her story!
Margo’s books:
Say It With Confidence
I Was There All Along: A Memoir
What Would I Do Without You